Maintaining and upholding Health & Safety
At Humberview Maintenance Group Ltd., we place the utmost importance and priority on the health, safety and well-being of our employees and others who may be affected by our work. It is our responsibility to achieve and maintain a safe and healthy working environment. Humberview Maintenance Group has developed a health & safety program to promote workplace safety and control unsafe working conditions. The health & safety program promotes specific health & safety training for all employees and is designed to monitor the workplace for compliance with legislative requirements and attain best operating practices at all times.
Statement of health & safety practices
We believe that we are responsible to incorporate proven health and safety principles into all phases of our operations and emphasize these at integral components of prudent business practice.
Our company understands the responsibilities required in the workplace for health & safety and that they must be extended to all workplace parties, (senior management, front line management workers and regular workers, on or off shift).
We recognize that accident prevention and quality of work life must continue to be and essential part of our business operations and as such, will empower each individual to actively participate in our Health & Safety program.
We accept the concept that the causes of accidents and illness can be controlled and the occurrence of personal injuries can be further reduced and is therefore committed to the prevention of occupational illness and injury in the workplace
Our company adheres to Ontario’s Occupational Health & Safety and Environmental Protection Act’s regulation standards and strives to achieve higher standards than the industry continually.
As outlined in our Early Safe Return to Work Program, we will seek to offer modified work to those employees who have sustained injury or illness with a view to facilitate their rehabilitation and to safely return them to their pre-injury job function as soon as they are capable to return.
The success of our health & safety program matters
The success of our organization depends on our reputation to provide a quality product and service in a safe and timely manner. Health & safety must be incorporated into all facets of our operations. Through open modes of communication, training, objective discussions and cooperation between foremen, management, the Worker Health and Safety representative and our other outside parties, we believe that we can achieve our prime goal of having a workplace free of hazards, injury and illness.